Camping au Pigeonnier

Campground Brochure

Open April 28th to October 1st

Oléron Island


Plan a scuba diving session

scuba diving in Oléron

Scuba Diving on Oléron Island

The underwater scenery on Oléron Island is absolutely breathtaking ! If you want to experience something truly magical, you must try scuba diving on Oléron. Start by splashing your fins in a cove surrounded by rocks, like at Chaucre Beach, and then venture out to swim among underwater formations, marveling at the diverse marine life and colorful plants without having to dive too deep. There are other dive sites near the coast or further out at sea that you can reach by boat. Prepare to discover an incredibly vibrant ecosystem, with diverse underwater landscapes including caves, steep walls, arches, and fissures, all teeming with a dazzling array of marine creatures. You can even explore shipwrecks, where you'll swim around steamships from the World Wars.

Get ready for an exciting adventure !

Afterward, unwind with an evening at the campsite !

scuba diving in Oléron
ile oleron beach dolphins

Surf Spots on Oléron Island